Benjamin Kellenberger

Hello, world! I am a Lecturer and permanent researcher in the People and Nature Lab at University College London (UCL), working at the intersection of Earth observation, machine learning, and ecology to answer questions about the distribution of species and underlying processes.
I previously worked in the Jetz lab at Yale University, as well as the ECEO lab at EPFL, Switzerland, where I researched methods to automatically identify animals from above—using aerial imagery.

In a Nutshell

Ecologists have been contributing for decades to our understanding of where individuals of species thrive and where they don't. It turns out that most of these findings about biological nature are things we acknowledge that we don't know—perhaps more so than in any other science field (reference needed). Nonetheless, the process understanding amassed by ecologists is huge and severely underused in current methodologies.

Species distribution map of the Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis).

In my research, I explore ways to integrate such latent knowledge into modelling approaches in new ways, stepping beyond hard and limiting assumptions of existing heuristics.

Digital Wildlife Conservation: What and Why

I am interested in developing and providing solutions for nature and wildlife conservation, particularly using machine learning, computer vision in conjunction with aerial or camera trap imagery. One of my major research directives to this end is the automated and interactive localisation of mammals (elephants, rhino, etc.) in aerial images. Click for more infos!

Other things I do

My research interests are highly interdisciplinary and span more general vision, remote sensing and GIS topics. In detail, I also work on domain adaptation, weakly- and self-supervised learning, meta-learning, land cover and land use mapping, and more.
Besides that, I have been frequently involved in teaching (BSc and MSc courses in GIS and machine learning for spatial data), and I administered and maintained the computing infrastructure of my previous research groups, including some GPU servers back in the Netherlands.


August 1, 2024

It is my pleasure to announce that I have officially started my new, permanent position as Lecturer and Researcher in the People and Nature Lab at University College London (UCL)! I will be deepening my research on data science, Machine and Deep Learning, and Earth observation, to answer questions about our natural environment and protection thereof.
Please stay tuned if you are interested in working in these spheres and using technology for good, as I may be hiring soon!
UCL Profile Page

July 15, 2024

Known under Map of Life Rapid Assessments, we are one of the six finalists in the XPRIZE Rainforest competition. Our team just completed the finals, consisting of 24 hours of unmanned data acquisition in a square kilometre patch of rainforest in Brazil, followed by 48 hours of data analysis, with the aim to identify as many non-bacterial species and characterise the ecosystem as completely as possible. Thanks to the tremendous breadth of knowledge in our team, ranging from taxon experts and eDNA researchers to data scientists and software engineers, we were able to set up a technology-empowered and human-inclusive system that worked fabulously, A to Z, and gave us a wealth of species and insights! Winners of the competition will be announced later this year.

▼ more news

About me

I am originally from Zurich, Switzerland and also did my BSc and MSc there (University of Zurich). I completed my PhD at Wageningen University, Netherlands, with distinction "cum laude" (PhD thesis). A recording of my PhD defence from April 6, 2020, can be found here for your amusement. I have also worked in the U.S. at Microsoft in summer 2019.

Here's a brief summary of my educational activities:

October 2022 - July 2024 Postdoctoral position at BGC, Yale University, United States.
October 2020 - September 2022 Postdoctoral position at ECEO, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, campus Sion, Switzerland.
April 7, 2020 - September 2020 Postdoctoral position at GRS, WUR
May - August 2019 Research Intern at Microsoft in the context of the AI for Earth initiative. Development of the AIDE platform.
Aug 2017 - April 6, 2020 PhD candidate (cont'd) at the Laboratory of Geo-Information Science and Remote Sensing (GRS), Wageningen University (WUR), the Netherlands.
Feb 2016 - Jul 2017 PhD candidate at the Remote Sensing Laboratories, University of Zurich.
2015 - 2016 Intern at the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation, ETH Zurich. Development of the GeoVITe geodata download portal.
2014 - 2015 Intern at the Federal Office of Topography swisstopo. Development of the Swiss Map Mobile data backbone.
2009 - 2014 BSc and MSc in Geography (Remote Sensing and GIS) and Computer Science at University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Feel free to contact me for a full CV.

People I collaborate with

Just a few of the amazing people I have or had the honour to work with (in no particular order):